Anthony Hopkins will release an NFT collection with images of his characters from the movies

World movie star Sir Anthony Hopkins is ready to launch his own NFT collection with images of of the most iconic characters from his career. Creative media company Orange Comet, which announced the tokens' release in September, has volunteered to help the actor.

Speaking to the media, Hopkins indicated that he first became interested in non-fungible tokens after the release of one of his last pictures as an NFT on Vuele. Earlier this summer, he even consulted with hip-hop legend and seasoned investor Snoop Dogg about which tokens to invest in.

NFT's collection, dubbed The Eternal Collection, will include 10 of the most iconic characters ever played by Anthony Hopkins. Among them, for example, will be Hannibal Lecter and the Scandinavian god Odin. The official release date for the tokens is set for mid-September. NFT will be distributed on the trading platform OpenSea.

In an interview with reporters, Sir Anthony Hopkins said that NFT is a new art format for him. According to him, he is probably the oldest member of the industry. At the same time, he called it proof that age is not a hindrance in new endeavors.


Godfrey Johnston
