Russian cryptocriminals created a new scheme with "cryptocurrencies as gifts"

During the holidays, Russian fraudsters who specialize in stealing digital assets from the public began to more actively lure potential victims with "cryptocurrencies as a gift. The specialists of RTM Group paid attention to the trend and shared the information with journalists.

According to the information they have, criminals send letters to citizens with links to fake websites, which state that cryptocurrency can become a good gift or turn into a profitable investment. If a victim who has lost vigilance replenishes his or her wallet on such a site, there is no way to get the money back.

Another mechanism of deception under the same scheme works mainly in popular social networks. There, under the name of a famous person, criminals offer to double the amount of cryptocurrency the person has, simply by transferring assets to the specified account.

Experts from the field of cybersecurity warn that getting hooked on the fraudsters is fraught not only with the loss of funds, but also with the loss of confidential data. Later they will be sold and used by other criminals. In conclusion, experts urged citizens not to click on suspicious links and not to believe offers that imply an easy financial gain.


Godfrey Johnston
