Tesla sold off its collection of "cyberwhistles" for Dogecoin

The famous electric car manufacturer and the brainchild of Elon Musk, Tesla has released an unusual collector's item - a "cyberwhistle". It resembles the Cybertruck pickup announced in previous years and is sold exclusively for Dogecoin.

Now the extravagant novelty from Tesla can no longer be ordered. The reason is the limited edition, which was sold out very quickly. It was possible to get a "cyberswhistle" to your collection for 1000 DOGE coins or $60. The company indicated that the first customers would not begin receiving their order until a month later.

In an announcement of the collection whistle say that while creating it the authors were inspired by the design of the electric car Tesla Cybertruck. It is made of specially treated stainless steel, used in the medical field. The company's website also posted information for buyers to check the Dogecoin payment account. If the buyer transfers the money to the wrong place, the company won't be able to help him, Tesla warned.

Earlier, the head of the company, billionaire Elon Musk, once again took the side of the Dogecoin network. According to him, it is able to pass through much more transactions than the Bitcoin network.


Godfrey Johnston
