A lover who chained himself to a girl a year ago sells chain links in the form of NFT

Kharkiv native Oleksandr Kudliy, famous for his extraordinary experiment of chaining himself to his girlfriend for more than four months, planned to sell chain links in the format of non-interchangeable tokens (NFT). Ukrainian media reported on the young man's initiative.

The collection set includes 26 chain links and a seal embedded in the chain back at the beginning of the experiment to fix possible violations by young people. After the end of the test, the mention of it was entered in the National Register of Records of Ukraine. It is noted that all tokens for sale will include video clips. Their demonstration is scheduled for February 17 in the Ukrainian capital.

The platform, on which the implementation of NFT will be held until February 28, will profile an online store OpenSea. The starting price for each of the lots is $123 thousand. According to Kharkiv citizen, he will invest all the funds he received in the construction and subsequent provision of the capital's orphanage.

The beginning of the experiment of chaining himself to a girl was timed Kudlai to the Day of all lovers in 2021. After the ordeal ended, the young people parted ways, and the former lover expressed no interest in selling the NFT.


Bridget Logan
