

NeonAI: Your AI-Powered Assistant
Light up your Crypto Security with AI.

As aforementioned, there are a lot of various risk factors that can lead to you losing out on your investment - whether it'd be through Honeypots or Rugpulls.
As such, we've built our NeonAI Bot in order to make the hidden dangers visible, allowing you to make a better move with the clarity gained from NeonAI's insights.

The NeonAI Bot is easily accessible through Telegram - you simply need to join our group in order to gain access to the AI chatbot, as well as its features.

Risk-Level Assessment and Grading Score
Once the NeonAI Bot receives a Smart Contract Adress (CA), it will analyze various factors and potential risks before giving out a so called "Risk-Level". There are 3 different Risk-Levels, which are based on several indicators and factors about the contract, the liquidity pool, among other things that we will go into detail about later on.
Capitalización bursátil $ 615,611
Liquidez $ 144,556
% de MCap
Precio $ 0.00599121429767 17.46%
Fecha de Lanzamiento 2024-03-01
