American football fans decided to buy a club for cryptocurrency

Advocates of digital assets and fans of American soccer have decided to organize a decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) for a massive acquisition by the standards of the sports world. The fans decided to buy the Denver Broncos, a National League soccer club in the United States, and have opened a $4 billion fundraiser to do so.

Among the initiators of the fundraising campaign was Sean O'Brien, a former employee of one of the largest multinational corporations involved in the development and distribution of Cisco networking equipment. In an interview CNBC, he noted that their goal does seem very ambitious and "cool. The main of the participants is to organize a platform that would allow fans to become owners of an entire soccer club, O'Brien pointed out.

Already, some of the conditions of membership in this DAO are known. Project initiators have indicated that all investors, who invest in the purchase of an NFL club will become the owners of non-transferable tokens (NFTs). Their role would be is to identify the investor as a project participant and team owner.

By the end of last summer, the club was valued at $3.75 billion, according to Forbes estimates.


Winfred Collins
