An artist blew up a Lamborghini, protesting the values of the cryptocurrency community

The artist known under the nickname Shl0ms, who hid his real identity, took a desperate step in an attempt to draw attention to an issue that concerns him. Protesting against the culture of rapid enrichment in the crypto industry, he blew up a luxury supercar Lamborghini Huracan.

The car worth a quarter of a million dollars was blown up at the beginning of February this year in the middle of the American desert. It is noted, that before realization of the conceived, the team invited by the artist tested all the necessary special means, including explosives, for two weeks. According to an outside licensed demolition engineer brought in, there was nothing more difficult in his entire career.

After the explosion, the Shl0ms team assembled and shot circular video of the charred Lamborghini fragments in 4K. Some of it is being used by the artist to create the basis for the 999 NFT distribution. The plan is to put only 888 of them up for public sale. The remaining tokens will be the domain of team members and the artist himself.

Shl0ms plans to spend the proceeds from token sales on organizing a digital decentralized autonomous organization (DAO), which will include investors who refuse the pursuit of quick wealth.


Avis Terry
