"Bond King" Bill Gross recognized the positive qualities of BTC

Bill Gross, an American businessman and creator of the investment company Pimco, said that he has sent some of his funds to bitcoin, despite regular statements in the past about mistrust of cryptocurrencies. In a recent conversation with CNBC reporters, the "bond king" explained why he changed his mind.

Gross, explaining his decision, referred to the instability of the global economy. According to him, in the current environment it is important to find a substitute for the U.S. dollar, and bitcoin suits this role. At the same time the financier pointed out that he still considers cryptocurrencies to be a "bubble", but even if his opinion about bitcoin changes dramatically the displeasure with it.
will change dramatically, the aversion to non-exchangeable tokens (NFT) will remain.

The businessman has changed his position on cryptocurrency investments several times in recent years. In 2016, he recognized bitcoin as one of the most reliable assets at a time of steep interest rate declines. However, a year later, Gross began to state the inability of the first cryptocurrency to become an alternative to traditional
money and gold.

Today's attitude of the "bond king" to the first cryptocurrency correlates with the opinion of other major players, pointing to the positive properties of BTC in a period of financial instability.


Bridget Logan
