Rio de Janeiro will allow property taxes to be paid in bitcoin

The Brazilian government of Rio de Janeiro has planned to increase the role of cryptocurrencies in the city's tax sphere. According to the bill, which is scheduled to be introduced in 2023, citizens will be able to pay taxes for housing with BTC. About the innovation said the representative of the city administration Chicao Bulhoynes.

It is noted that the transfer of digital currencies in the Brazilian national currency, the real, will be handled by specially selected people in a newly created company. Thanks to such a decision, the government will be able to limit itself from storing volatile cryptocurrency on the city's balance sheet.

According to another administration official, Pedro Paulo, the city took this step for the sake of further stimulating the use of digital currencies among the general population. For now, the plan is only to integrate cryptocurrencies into the fiscal sphere. However, as Paulo said, in the near future, the administration plans to introduce the new technology in payment for other services, such as cab rides.

At the same time, the mayor's office is not forgetting about the NFT technology. It is planned that Rio de Janeiro will organize public hearings affecting the further development of the NFT sector in the city. According to the administration's proposal, non-interchangeable tokens could be issued with images of places important to the city.


Brooke Greene
