Russian miners are no longer served by one of the largest Ethereum pools

One of the largest pools for mining Ethereum cryptocurrency FlexPool published an appeal in connection with the recent events in Ukraine. Since then, all IP addresses registered on the territory of Russia are not serviced, the publication stated.

The management of the pool noted that they always prefer to stay away from political issues, regardless of personal views. However, now, according to them, the situation has gone beyond purely political. FlexPool stated that there is a war that could lead to the most extreme consequences.

The company also apologized to Russian users who expressed disagreement with the Kremlin policy. In their opinion, there is only one way to change the situation, and that is to introduce economic sanctions against Russia. The leadership of the pool urged the other companies to support them.

In conclusion, they noted that solidarity in the imposition of sanctions against Russia would "prevent the world from coming to an end and save lives. Commercial organizations and ordinary people, they said, should put the welfare of everyone on earth first, not profit.

Earlier, one of the creators of Ethereum, Vitalik Buterin, expressed hope that the Kremlin would make a "wise" decision and not escalate the conflict between the countries.


Mitchell Adams
