Mark Zuckerberg plans to launch his own cryptocurrency and NFT

The corporation of American billionaire and programmer Mark Zuckerberg, Meta, is discussing the creation of its own cryptocurrency. It is noted that this time the entry into the field of digital economy will be carried out not through the usual financial markets, but within the framework of the meta universe.

As indicated in the company, Meta wants to connect social networks and messengers belonging to it with each other through a single virtual currency in the manner of an in-game currency. Most likely, the token will be called "Zuck Bucks" after the founder of the corporation, Mark Zuckerberg.

In addition, the possibility of launching incentive tokens for certain actions within the applications, as well as their counterparts, which will be awarded to opinion leaders, is also being considered. At the same time, Meta continues to work on the implementation of NFT (non-interchangeable tokens) in its flagship projects Facebook and Instagram. The company plans to announce the launch of its innovation in late spring of this year.

Zuckerberg himself spoke about the soon introduction of NFT technology in Instagram the day before. During the annual thematic conference (SXSW) held recently in Texas, he pointed out that the company's plans in this direction will be implemented very soon.


Brooke Greene
