Only 19% of U.S. citizens have a positive attitude to cryptocurrencies

Only one-fifth of the U.S. population is positive about the development of cryptocurrencies. This is evidenced by a recent poll by NBC News TV channel.

According to analysts, a total of 1,000 U.S. residents of different ages, colors and occupations took part in the survey. It turned out that only 21 percent of those surveyed have had some kind of experience with digital assets. Younger respondents admitted to having some experience with cryptocurrency-related investment activities.

The interim result of the study conducted by NBC News TV channel was that only 19 percent of U.S. citizens surveyed have a positive opinion about cryptocurrencies. At the same time, exactly a quarter of respondents believe that digital assets play a negative role. The remainder could not clearly state their position or admitted their neutral attitude toward the world of digital assets.

Earlier Bitwise specialists shared information about the high demand for American financial advisors amid the unprecedented crypto boom in world history. It is noted that almost every officially registered financial expert in the U.S. received a request from citizens for advice on cryptocurrency.


Winfred Collins
