General slang in shitcoins


Audit - scam check
ATH - peak price on the chart
Allocation - a percentage of the initial purchase order
Airdrop - free transfer of tokens to a wallet (possible to get airdrop for completing any tasks)


Call - buy signal
Contract / CA - the unique address of the token in the network bsc, eth, etc.


DM / PM - personal message
Dyor - do the research yourself
Dev - developer, creator
Dip - huge price drop
Dex - decentralised exchanges
DeFi / Farm - farming tokens with pools
Dev doxx - open personality of the developer (there are social networks, goes on video calls)


Fud - bad messages (for a drop in rate)
Fairlaunch - honest launch (at the exact time, no whitelist, presale, privatel)


Gem - a diamond among the shields, flies well.
Gwei / Gas - transaction cost (the higher the faster the transaction)


Hardcap - upper threshold for collecting presale
Hold - hold the token (not sell it)
Holder - token holder
Honeypot - you can buy a token, but not sell it (scam). Checker for Honeypot


IDO / IFO / IHO - presales through major platforms


Liquidity - the amount poured into the token by the developers
LFG - lets fucking go


Market Cap - token capitalization
Metamask - wallet for cryptocurrency
Max buy - maximum number of tokens that can be purchased (can be defined as a percentage of token liquidity)
Max sell - maximum number of tokens that can be sold (can be defined as a percentage of the token's liquidity)


Paperhands / Jeet - holder selling at minimum nil
Presale - presale
Privatesale - pre-sale of tokens (may be before presale)
Poocoin - price monitoring + trade tokens


Relaunch - token restart (possibly due to errors in the contract)
Referal - a person who has clicked on a referral link
Reward - token hold reward
Reflection / Рефлекшен - for the hold, additional rewards are awarded in the same token.
Rug - scam through the sale of tokens by the developer, or the withdrawal of the liquor. Rug pull Checker


Slippage - token purchase/sale tax (set by the developer)
Shilling - natively (discreetly) advertise
Scam - it's a hoax, an empty shell
Safu - token from a secure developer
Stealth - hidden start (no exact start time)
Stable - token, the value of which is always ≈1$


TR / ТР / Token Rate - token evaluation in chat
Tirk - "also bought," is used by the replay on someone's token in chat


VC / voice chat - telegram voice chat


Whitelist / WL - white list (a list of investors who can buy a token at presale)

