Analysts found out what attracts investors to GameFi projects.

The majority of investors in the GameFi industry are driven by curiosity and a desire to have fun rather than to make money. This is the conclusion reached by researchers at ChainPlay, a platform that researches the blockchain game market. The specialists provided all the necessary statistics in their report.

To date, about half of all investors in existing projects GameFi originally planned to earn on the new technology. However, crisis did not allow this to happen. It turned out that 89% of depositors lost more than half of their profits due to the crisis.

In total, experts from ChainPlay interviewed just under 2,500 investors. The vast majority of them expressed the opinion that their losses in GameFi projects are related to poorly established game economics. In addition, the industry lacks new people. Analysts believe that potential investors are afraid of fraud and poor quality projects. According to experts, the situation could be corrected by the participation of big game studios in the industry.

The platform also concluded in the report that when entering future projects in the field of GameFi, investors will be guided by the desire to enjoy them, and profit will be of secondary importance.


Bridget Logan
