Presale and privacy

New update.

Profile privacy

We've updated and redesigned the profile privacy function. Now you can not only hide your profile, but also those tokens, airdrops, whitelists that you added to the site. Such tokens, will be labeled "anonymous".


We improved the addition of presales. When you create a token, you can now choose the site where the presale will take place. It will be listed both in the token profile and in the main table in the menu.

List of audits

We updated the list of audit sites. When you create and add a token, specifying a direct link to the audit site or to a githab, the icon is pulled up automatically, which is displayed in the token menu.

Editing posts

Fixed the time for editing posts. Now you can edit a post only when it hasn't been moderated yet. If you've made a typo or want a correction, try to check ahead of time while you have time.


In whitelists - NFT, we have removed the requirement to specify the time and date. If the date was not specified when creating the whitelist, the whitelist will disappear from the "Active" section after 30 days.


Additionally various small fixes and improvements.

